prints and drawings 

Charts, graphs, targets, written text and other symbols present in this work act as signs of goal setting, illness, and depression. These elements are supported by the research I have conducted in the subjects of three illnesses: ataxia, cancer, and depression. List making and other written text are important both as visual and conceptual aspects. The target, for me, exemplifies not only a visually stimulating image through the use of geometry, but also as a symbol of aspiration. The target too has a long history of being something at which someone might shoot, but it can also be seen as a shield, as root word targe suggests. These elements juxtaposed by self-portraiture have become the most conducive way to share my thoughts on these subjects. Commonalities that we share in our daily lives allow for linkages to be made, thus making things as arbitrary as scrubbing the floor, or as threatening as disease to act as a language with which most people can identify.

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